Higher Income-Earners More Likely Threesome

Posted by Martina Birk on Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Kink is becoming quite the thing after a long history of stigma and taboo. Openly being into adventurous sex in 2017 is as common as hitting up Whole Foods. And both have something else in common too — people with deep pockets are the likeliest ones to engage. According to new research, people with higher incomes are likelier to be into inviting a third person into bed, per a new study by dating app 3somer (which, full disclosure, helps hook people up with potential threesome partners).

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“Rich people have more sex, and threesomes are the top sex fantasy, mostly due to curiosity. All of these factors combined indicate that rich people are more likely to have threesomes,” says 3somer co-founder John Martinuk. Rich people have more sex. That’s QUITE the statement.

The study found that people in higher income brackets are more likely to have threesomes than those in lower brackets. Awesome. So, threesomes are apparently elitist now. Who knew? If you have a yacht, you may have a threesome. If you don’t, you may only have vanilla sex. Sounds legit (eye roll).

Check out this map to see where the app is used most and where all the rich kinksters are located. I’m looking at you, Texas Republicans.

So, where did your state net out? I guess somewhat unsurprisingly, New Yorkers are the ones using 3somer the most. Hey, we like to explore our sexual horizons in the Big Apple, OK? New York has a 2015 GDP per capita of $72,965. Second to New York in terms of threesome engagement are New Jersey and California. These two states also follow New York for highest GDP per capita: $64,070 and $61,924, respectively. I know. New Jersey? I guess there isn’t anything else to do there besides get down and dirty.
